Amy Albers - High School Principal/Director of Special Education

Talena Stockham - Special Education Secretary

Phone:  (309) 244-8285 - Ext. 3135 - Special Ed Office
      Fax: (309) 244-7301


Notice of Procedural Safeguards for Parents/Guardians of Students with Disabilities
June 2022


ISBE has posted the revised Notice of Procedural Safeguards for Parents/Guardians of Students with Disabilities and the Explanation of Changes documents which can be found at:  https://www.isbe.net/Pages/Special-Education-Individualized-Education-Program.aspx
 Updates have been completed and posted in English and all other languages on the special education web page.

Other Information regarding Special Education and Programs & Parental Rights can be found on the ISBE website under Special Education

Medicaid Parental Consent Written Notification Letter
Medicaid Information for Parents/Guardians
Delavan - Medicaid Parental Consent Written Notification Letter

 Legal Updates

  • Within 3 days of your child’s IEP meeting, your student’s case manager will be sharing their IEP paperwork in advance of the meeting for your review. We will not include paperwork that determines eligibility or educational placement as those are decisions we will make together as an IEP team.

  • Your case manager will plan to email you the IEP documents; however, if you prefer they be mailed, or to pick them up at the school, please let them know in advance.

  • You have the right to review your child's records prior to any IEP meeting.

  • You have the right to request service logs for related services that your child receives. These include dates and times for service in: speech and language services, occupational therapy services, physical therapy services, school social work services, school counseling services, school psychology services, and school nursing services.

  • You will be notified if an IEP service is not implemented within ten school days after the service was to be initiated as set forth in the IEP.

  • Any parent who is deaf or does not typically communicate using spoken English and who participates in a Section 504 or IEP meeting with a school district representative is entitled to the services of an interpreter.

Special Education Notification of Temporary Records


This is to inform you that all Special Education Records (temporary records) will be destroyed five (5) years after the student graduates, ages out (the day before their 22nd birthday), transfers to another district, permanently withdraws from the school district, is dismissed from Special Educational services, or deceased.

 Delavan CUSD #703 will be destroying special education temporary records of past students who graduated with the Class of 2019, those who were dismissed from Special Educational services, have left the district after 5 years, or deceased. If a parent/guardian or student wants their records, they should email stockhamt@delavanschools.com and make arrangements to pick them up before June 27, 2024. After this deadline, temporary records will be destroyed in accordance with Illinois School Student Records Act 105ILCS10/.

Special Education Department

 Talena Stockham - Special Education Secretary

Amy Albers - Director of Special Education


May 8th, 2024 - Timely And Meaningful Consultation Meeting - 2023-24 School Term
(Those that Home School)
by phone conference - please call to make an appointment

Special Education

You may leave a message with the Special Education Office
Phone: (309) 244-8285 Ext. 3135 and we will return your call as soon as possible.

Special Education